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Outgrowing Our Largest Church


One of our first and largest churches is in northern Thailand. It ministers to Thai, Burmese, and Chinese people.


During the week, for the past several years, we use the building to train Chinese pastors who serve in mainland China and are unable to receive any biblical training. Hundreds of Chinese pastors have trained here on-site, and thousands of church leaders, both local and abroad have experienced training sessions at the church. We will never know to what extent God has used our facility to make the Gospel known worldwide. 

The church was being used so often that we decided to build a new building in a different part of the city. We secured funds to construct a new facility closer to the university that will serve both Thai and Chinese students. Our services are in Thai and Mandarin.

Thank you, everyone, for standing with us to make this happen. 
To God be all the glory.

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